Security-first Mindset

Constant security monitoring and prevention is our standard.

We have a team of dedicated security experts keeping track of daily software vulnerabilities on a server and website level. They actively write security patches and enhancements to prevent possible attacks. In the past year alone, we added 300 custom rules to our Web Application Firewall that stopped multiple identified-yet-unresolved third-party software vulnerabilities.

We believe that managed hosting is a way to empower our clients to focus on their core business and take the hosting maintenance off their chores list. We offer automatic WordPress updates that you can leave on auto-pilot or schedule. We run the latest PHP versions, but allow you to switch between versions. We enable static caching for your website, but you can easily switch it off or add more layers, like dynamic cache and memcached so you get the performance you want.

Our Services:

Anti SPAM & Antivirus Protection
FTP access to websites
MySQL Database
PostgreSQL Database
Firebird Database
SVN/CVS Repository
External Backup
PHP Web Page Hosting
CGI (CGI/Perl/etc) Web Page Hosting
Encryption (SSL)
Hosting using our own nameservers
(POP3/SMTP) E-Mail Accounts
Webmail Interface
On-Request installation of applications